Scanning Auger Microanalysis
(Aluminum Foil Samples)
What Is It?
Scanning Auger Microscopy (also known as Auger Electron Spectroscopy) allows for the analysis of the elemental composition of surfaces and interfaces at a highly detailed level.
Why Should I Use It?
This technique typically analyzes at a depth of 2 -3 nm, and with our high-accuracy instrumentation (field emission source) we have the ability to sample with a lateral resolution of better than 30 nm. This allows for the inspection of films with the thickness of only a few monolayers from top down, or layers a few tens of nanometers thick when examined in cross section.
What Do I Get Out of It?
Auger analysis can detect all elements except hydrogen and helium, at concentrations as low as 0.1 atomic percent (depending on element and matrix).
Applications Include:
Materials Evaluation
- Verification of surface homogeneity
- Catalyst degradation
- Interface analysis
- Diffusion studies
- Identification of surface contaminants
Failure Analysis
- Corrosion analysis
- Stain identification
- Lifted lead bond evaluation
- Bond pad contamination
- Material delamination analysis
- Metal embrittlement evaluation
Quality Control
- Comparison of good to bad samples
- Verification of surface process modification
- Relative thickness on thin film.