The Importance of Chemical Structure

In the world of chemistry, structure can be the difference between life and death – quite literally. There are many compounds where slightly altering the structure or choosing a different enantiomer can make the compound go from a helpful medicine to a dangerous drug. That is why chemists are always very aware of the exact … Continued

Scientist Profile: Jay Powell

Stepping into Jay Powell’s lab at Analytical Answers would overwhelm a person not used to scientific equipment, bright lights and measuring devices. Not that the lab is overly jammed with assorted instruments, but as a Senior Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopist Powell’s job requires he master a few disciplines. While his study is in the … Continued

Food Science: Sugar

Everyone loves sugar; whether you like just a dash of sugar in your coffee to balance out the bitterness, or a heaping mound of sugar in your desserts to satisfy your insatiable sweet tooth, sugar is an essential ingredient in our everyday lives, especially when it comes to baking. But do we know just how … Continued

Food Science: Salt

From savory steaks and pastas to sweet pastries and cookies, almost every recipe has one common ingredient: salt. Dating all the way back to the early Roman Empire, salt has played a vital role in our cooking and eating experiences for thousands of years. But what makes this simple, tiny little ionic compound have such … Continued

Food Science: Flour

Flour is an essential ingredient in lots of recipes, mostly for baked goods. But do we really know how flour works? Time after time we mindlessly add flour to our cookies and cakes, overlooking the true importance of it and just waiting for the moment when we get to lick the spoon clean. The truth … Continued

The Science of Coffee Growing

Coffee has become such an essential part of our everyday life; it wakes us up in the morning, keeps us awake during those drowsy afternoons, and allows college students to stay up all night studying during finals week. Whether it’s a fancy latte made from a hipster barista or a crappy cup of Joe that … Continued

The Science of Coffee Brewing

There are a lot of different factors that go into making a perfect, great tasting cup of coffee. The temperature, the type of coffee, the coarseness or fineness of the grinds, the amount of water all of these aspects can influence the taste of your coffee. Perhaps the most important factor, however, is the brewing … Continued

What You Know Can Help You – A Background in Building Blocks

Scientists often perform their jobs in an objective, dispassionate manner that belies the excitement bubbling beneath the surface. Especially when they’re on the verge of a breakthrough or when their current test could be the deciding factor in proving a hypothesis or solving a case. As discussed recently in another post about fibers and electron … Continued