Ticks: The More You Know

The image of the month is a false-colored secondary electron (SE) image of the mouth parts of a tick, taken using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The subject is most likely a male deer tick (shown below in the black-and-white SE image), commonly found in Massachusetts and across the northeast – and a prime carrier of … Continued

The Science of Sundaes

  It’s a hot, humid summer day; the sun is blazing down making waves of heat bounce off the pavement, the air is thick with moisture and there’s no sign of a breeze anytime soon. There are many ways to cool off in times like these: having a cold glass of lemonade, taking a refreshing dip in … Continued

Drew Killius – A Curious Scientist is the Best Kind

According to Drew Killius, searching for (and finding) answers is the best way to explain how the world works. And when it doesn’t, Killius is probably the guy you want working on the reasons behind a product’s failure. As Senior Materials Scientist at Analytical Answers, Inc., he’s been asked multiple times about the questions he … Continued

Webinar Recap: Anywhere Services Live

Did you miss our final webinar before the summer – Anywhere Services Live? Don’t worry, you can learn everything that you missed right here in this blog post or you can watch the recorded version on demand here: http://analyticalanswersinc.com/anywhere-services-live/ This May webinar was a bit different from our traditional webinar format. Analytical Answers recently celebrated … Continued

Avoiding Sticky Situations: The Science of Adhesives

Adhesives play a pretty important role in our everyday lives; even if we aren’t always aware of them, they’re present in the world all around us. Whether it’s the wood glue holding our tables and chairs together, or the duct tape that we haphazardly throw on something in a desperate attempt for a quick fix, … Continued

Careers in STEM: Education and Outlooks

  Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) have been the fastest growing fields for years now. The employment growth, median wages, and growth opportunities are well above most other fields. “The future of the economy is in STEM,” says James Brown, the executive director of the STEM Education Coalition in Washington, D.C. “That’s … Continued

Webinar Recap: Visualizing Hydration and Dehydration of Pharmaceuticals, Foodstuffs, and Other Materials Using Wet Scanning Electron Microscopy

Did you miss out on our January webinar – Visualizing Hydration and Dehydration of Pharmaceuticals, Foodstuffs, and Other Materials Using Wet Scanning Electron Microscopy? Don’t worry about it, because you can learn about everything that you missed right here or even watch the recorded webinar on demand here: http://analyticalanswersinc.com/about-us/webinars/ Edward Norton, Technical Director at Analytical … Continued

The Science of Smell & The Smell of Rain

Have you ever thought about how we detect smells, or how we determine if it is a good smell or a bad smell? This blog will give you some insight on just that, as well as a smell that many of us enjoy – the smell of rain. To smell an odor air is inhaled … Continued

The Science and Stigma of Solidago

Can you guess what this microscopic picture is? Here are a few hints; it’s native to North America, plays an important role in many natural processes, and can be considered a sign of good luck or good fortune. Still no clue? Here is a picture of the same subject on a regular scale. If you … Continued