Snow Flakes Under Magnification – A Unique View

After waiting all winter for it to snow, we have been in for a treat these past few days with impressive snowfalls throughout the Boston area. Snowflakes look very different under magnification — and often, their geometric shapes are very surprising. Here are some recent scans we did of snowflakes from outside our Woburn offices:

Important Update During COVID-19

Analytical Answers would like to assure all of our clients that we are open! We are taking additional safety measures and we ask for your help while we continue to meet your analytical needs. We will continue to accept samples for analyses on a non-visit basis, however we encourage all clients who would normally schedule … Continued

I’m Looking Through You : Q&A

In this webinar, we look at the capabilities of TEM and its methodologies. The Q & A from the webinar provides a brief FAQ about this type of analysis. Q: How large a field of view can you prepare for TEM? A: While we cannot image the entire prepared sample at once, we typically prepare … Continued

Small Spot ESCA : Q&A

The above webinar discusses analyzing surface chemistry on micro-devices and its methodologies. Here you can examine a Q & A from the webinar of FAQs about this type of analysis. Q: Does surface roughness have an effect on depth profiles? A: Surface roughness does indeed have an effect on depth profiling. But with our new … Continued

Fast Mapping : Q&A

The above webinar discusses the capabilities of fast mapping and its applications. Here you can read the Q & A from the webinar for a series of FAQs on the topic of fast mapping. Q: Do you have to define elemental windows before starting the map? A: The answer is no. Because you’re getting an … Continued

Beaches: East vs. West – a study in sand

  Now that summer has drawn to a close, we’re taking a look back at some beaches that we visited this summer. Noting that the sand looked and felt different from beach to beach, we sampled a bit of sand from each – and later, from beaches on the west coast as well. The east … Continued

Hamilton-Wenham STEM night

Analytical Answers is pleased to participate in programs and activities in the community, especially those that focus on science, and even more so when we can shed light on analytical sciences and techniques that many people don’t even know exist. On Wednesday, October 3, 2018 we joined more than 50 other companies and organizations that … Continued

Turkey Feathers: Intricate Structures

Here, we’re featuring the structures of turkey feathers. More specifically, some optical and electron microscope images of the intricate structure of a portion of a tail feather donated by a wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) from a large flock living on the Danvers-Wenham, MA town line.   Wild Turkey tail feather 10x Wild Turkey tail feather … Continued

Analytical Answers, Inc. to Bring Materials Analysis Expertise to Advanced Manufacturing Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Analytical Answers, Inc., a Woburn, Massachusetts-based technical consulting firm and service provider which helps advanced manufacturing firms monitor their processes and solve R&D and production problems, will be exhibiting at this year’s Advanced Manufacturing convention June 12-14 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. We are excited to be discussing … Continued


The nice spring weather has come and gone. With that nice spring weather also came pollen…everywhere! Although it is often seen as a nuisance for triggering allergies, pollen is very interesting to look at magnified. You may be surprised at how different various pollen types look.   The familiar yellow haze on our cars and … Continued